Customer Reviews
Average Rating: 5
Wonderful House

Lovely to build and delightful when finished

This was my first go at building a larger scale house, having done one of the railway ones before. I took my time (about 3 months in total) The instructions were clear and the pieces fit together so well I was very happy with the result. My daughter loved it so much she wants me to make one for her!Tony Cousins (21 Apr 2017, 12:02)

I am really pleased at the way this model goes together, the cutting is so accurate. It is beautifully detailed and the instructions are very good. Each step of construction is enjoyable and satisfying. I'm very glad I followed Bea's top tips and did as much decoration, texturing, etc as possible before putting the house together, this has made a big difference to the quality of the finish. Next step is to lansdscape it on the base!Jennifer (10 Feb 2017, 16:18)
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