
Penny Pinchers Money Box Kit 1:48th

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Penny Pinchers Money Box Kit 1:48th

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Money Box Kit…

‘Penny Pincher’s Cottage’


Approximate dimensions (constructed)

Height – 14.5 cm

Width – 9 cm

Depth – 9.5 cm


We all know the merits of the old saying… “look after the pennies…”

So if you are a miniaturist who wants to save for that special purchase, or would like to squirrel away your hard earned cash for an exciting ‘dolls house show’ spending spree; then Petite Properties have the solution for you!


Designed specifically for miniaturists who want to keep their miniature savings separate and safe, our new novelty ‘dolls house’ money boxes come in ‘kit form’ and make an ideal and truly unique gift!! 


Penny Pincher’s Cottage money box kit is precision cut and comes with full colour, step by step instructions - just add paint & glue!


Please note the images shown do include a part made and completely made kit.


Only £12.99 plus shipping


Код товараMBPP
ПроизводительPetite Properties Ltd

Отзывы клиентов

Средняя оценка: 5

Penny pinchers cottage

In true penny pincher style, I have converted the lovely money box into a cottage. Using information learned in the Corner shop book, the money box will now be home to a wealthy but penny pinching old spinster. Thank you Bea, I have enjoyed making up this kit, and may have to buy another to use for it's proper purpose. janxxJanxx Pearce (24 Aug 2010, 16:19)
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