
1:48th Shabby Chic Single Bed Kit

1:48th Shabby Chic Single Bed Kit

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5.0 Promedio basado en 1 opiniones


Información de producto

1:48th Shabby Chic Single Bed

This kit is precision (laser) cut from quality card & MDF and comes with full colour, step by step instructions - just add paint & glue!

Approx constructed dimensions

  • Width = 2.4 cm
  • Depth = 3.7 cm
  • Height = 2.6 cm

*Please note: images show constructed kits; one painted and one unpainted

Código de productoShChSB48
FabricantePetite Properties Ltd

Opiniones de clientes

Calificación promedio: 5

A favorite - the details are so clever

This kit goes together so easily, and the details are very clever. There are panels that go on the head and footboards that cover up the tabs (which help you get the best fit). But the thing is - if you paint the panels a different shade from the bed, they really pop and it looks like you are an artist with the steadiest hand when really all credit goes to the kit. I love that. This kit includes a mattress and tiny little boards to finish the side. The details are all there. I have a pair of these beds in a "guest bedroom". I papered the panels in pink toile. You can get creative with this one or not - either way it is a foolproof kit.Anónimo (11 Apr 2018, 16:59)
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